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    Open Call for Fellowship Applications, Academic Year 2017-2018

    페이지 정보

    작성자 관리자
    조회Hit 10,714회   작성일Date 17-10-31 00:00


    The Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) has opened its call for fellowship applications. This programme is for internationally renowned senior scholars who wish to spend the 2017- 2018 academic year, or a semester, in residence at TILT as part of its multi-disciplinary research team to work on some of the most interesting, challenging and urgent issues relating to emerging and disruptive technologies. Applications will be accepted through April 15, 2017 eob.
    We invite applications from tenured or tenure-track academics with a record of strong legal scholarship from around the globe working on legal, ethical and social opportunities and challenges related to technologies such as ICT, bio- and nanotechnology, neurotechnology and robotics.
    Through this open call, we seek to advance our collective work and to deepen and broaden our networked community and to provide the senior fellow the opportunity to collaborate with Dutch and European peers.
    About TILT’s Fellowship Programme
    TILT’s fellowship programme offers some of the world’s most innovative scholars the opportunity to deeply engage with one of the largest Law & Technology research groups in Europe to develop and share ideas, collaborate, and have fun. The program encourages and supports fellows in an inviting and rigorous intellectual environment, with community activities designed to foster inquiry and to identify and expose the common interests amongst the entire team.
    TILT offers a highly international (some 20 nationalities) and diverse research team of 45 people, embedded in the internationally oriented Tilburg Law School, offering ample opportunities to collaborate. TILT has a highly active academic programme comprised of (bi-)weekly seminars, work in progress meetings, reading groups, ad-hoc discussions and film screenings. The fellows are actively integrated into the Law School community through various academic and social programs. Additionally, they will be treated as much like members of TILT and the Tilburg Law School as practicable for the duration of their residency. By the conclusion of their semester or year in residency at TILT, the fellow will have produced a major publishable piece of scholarly work.
    While in residence at TILT, the fellow will be expected to
    ·          play a leading role in researching and writing papers on opportunities and legal/social/ethicalissues relating to one or more of TILT’s researchtopics;
    ·          disseminate the results of their study, and organizing a conference orworkshop;
    ·          finalize at least one paper to be submitted to TILT’s working paperseries;
    ·          collaborate with PhD students and Professors working on relatedprojects;
    ·          identify research projects with TILTfaculty;
    ·          engage in talks, and meetings with lawyers, policymakers, press and industry representatives ontheir topic;
    ·          write articles, white papers, and opinion pieces directed at audiences beyondacademia. Fellows are invited to also contribute inteaching.
    About TILT Fellowships
    The TILT fellowships are tailor-made appointments. Each TILT fellowship carries a unique set of opportunities, responsibilities and expectations based on our mutual interests. The fellows are expected to conduct independent work, but also engage in joint projects where possible and desired. Important is a commitment to the intellectual life of TILT and its activities.
    The 2017-2018 fellowship runs:
    ·          the entire academic year from September 2017 through the end of May 2018,or
    ·          the Fall semester (September 2017 through December 2017)or
    ·          Spring semester (February 2018 through end of May 2018), but other arrangements can bemade.
    During the Fellowship, the fellow is expected to spend a significant amount of time in residence at TILT. TILT’s academic meetings take place on Tuesdays, while the Tilburg Data Science Center lunch seminars are bi-weekly on Thursdays. The fellows are asked to commit to spending as many Tuesdays (and bi-weekly Thursdays if working in the field of Data Science) at TILT as is possible.
    Fellowships either consist of purely research stays, or as research and teaching stays.
    The fellowship is open for Professors or Associate Professors. The applicant should have:
    ·          has a PhD in law, Science and Technology Studies (STS), philosophy, or relevant other field to TILT’s research agenda and proven knowledge of and/or interest in other disciplines than their own; or have demonstrated uncommon academic achievements and interest for interdisciplinarywork;
    ·          an international reputation in her or his field, as evidenced by toppublications;
    ·          has relevant science and technology policy researchexperience;
    ·          has experience with or is interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment (affinity and experience should be evident from the candidate’s education or past performance in teaching,research orpublications);
    ·          has excellent communication, analytical and writingskills;
    ·          has perfect command ofEnglish.
    Stipends, Benefits, and Access to University Resources
    The fellowship is neither a paid nor a permanent position, although a stipend may be available depending on the circumstances of the applicant and her/his involvement in TILT matters. The fellow will receive a travel budget of 2.500 EUR per semester and 5.000 EUR for organising the workshop. TILT will also provide assistance in arranging some appearances in connected institutes throughout Europe.
    The Fellow will be provided with a work space with telephone & computer at their disposal at TILT. Also full access to the Tilburg University Library and all its facilities, including WestLaw and LEXIS are part of the package. The fellow will get a Tilburg University email address and access to Eduroam, facilitating internet access throughout European Academic institutions.
    Fellows must make their own housing, insurance, childcare, and transportation arrangements, but TILT does offer assistance in arranging these.
    TILT’s mission is to explore and understand the interplay between technology, regulation and fundamental values/human rights; to study emerging technologies, their impact on the individual and society; and to assess the need for regulation of technologies. Established in 1994, TILT has built a serious reputation in research, enabling the development of a leading program in Law & Technology.
    TILT\'s expertise covers a wide range of topics related to developments in ICT and nano-, bio-, neurotechnology and robotics -technologies that are currently flourishing thanks to their rapidly evolving ICT infrastructures. Topics include e-government, e-commerce, e-health, trust, technology adoption and legitimacy, privacy, identity management, liability, cyber crime, public security, intellectual property rights, networks and innovation, and governance.
    TILT is located on the 7th floor of the Montesquieu Building at the Tilburg University Campus. We have a fairly unique composition in being both large (40 researchers) and truly interdisciplinary (comprising disciplines such as law, STS, political science, and sociology). The academic environment is very lively, with much interaction and collaboration between researchers, sharing of ideas and constructive commenting on each other’s ideas and work. We take our open-door policy seriously, fostering collaboration and camaraderie. Tuesdays hold particular importance as this is the day when reading groups, work in progress discussions, seminars and other meetings are planned, but you will often run into spontaneous discussions and brainstorm-sessions at other times. This congenial atmosphere stimulates social and intellectual interchange.
    TILT is an active member of the PI-Lab (Privacy and Identity lab), a collaboration between Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland (SIDN), Tilburg Institute of Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) and TNO. TILT is also embedded within the Data Science Center Tilburg and Grand Initiative on Data Science (GRIDS) a joint venture between Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology.
    Tilburg University
    Tilburg University is a modern, research-led university, specialized in the social sciences and the humanities. Itisinternationallyknownforitshighstandardsineducationandscientificresearchaswellas its good support facilities. The Tilburg University campus offers both quietness and connectivity as it is located in a wooded park, ten minutes away from the city center, main highways, and railways. A mid- sized city of 200,000 inhabitants in the South of the Netherlands, and in proximity to cities like Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London, Tilburg is situated at the very heart ofEurope.
    Applications can only be submitted online.
    To apply for the Spring 2017-2018 TILT Fellowship, please submit the following before December 15 2017:
    ·          A current resume orCV;
    ·          A personal statement describing your interest in the TILT fellowship and outlining the work youpropose to conduct during a fellowship (up to 1500words);
    ·          A scholarly paper you have written (inEnglish);
    ·          Two letters of recommendation, sent directly from the reference tol.dejong@uvt.nl.


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