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    [2011]미국 특허법 개정 및 특허청 전략 세미나

    페이지 정보

    작성자 관리자
    조회Hit 3,035회   작성일Date 11-09-08 00:00


    일 시 : 2011. 9. 5. (월) 오전 11시~ 오후 2시(점심식사 포함)
    장 소 : JW 메리어트 호텔 3층
    주 최 : 서울대학교 技術과法센터


    - 사 회: 정상조 교수 (서울대 技術과法센터장)
    - 발 표: Teresa Stanek Rea(미국특허청 부청장)
    - 토 론: 심영택(서울대 법대 교수), 한상욱(김앤장 변호사), 안재현(특허청 고객협력국장)
    - 주 제: 미 특허정책, 전략현황 및 특허법 개혁

    - 식 순
    11:30-12:00 등록
    12:00-13:00 발표, 토론 및 질의응답
    13:00-14:00 오찬

    ▶ 발표자 소개
    Teresa Stanek Rea is Deputy Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Ms. Rea oversees an office that encourages innovation and technological advancement, and helps businesses protect their investments, promote their goods and safeguard against deception in the marketplace.

    Ms. Rea joined the USPTO in 2011 as Deputy Director. She is a leading attorney in the field of intellectual property with more than 25 years of legal experience and a past president of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). Before joining the USPTO, Ms. Rea was a partner in Crowell & Moring LLP’s Washington, D.C., office where she focused on intellectual property and dispute resolution related to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other life science issues. Rea has experience in drafting infringement and validity opinions, as well as experience in interference and licensing matters.

    Ms. Rea also worked for Ethyl Corporation from 1980 through 1984 and for patent boutique firm Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis in Alexandria, Va.

    Ms. Rea is a member of many technical and legal associations and has been a frequent lecturer and publisher on patent topics including biotechnology, nanotechnology, licensing, technology transfer, patent practice, export control and interferences.

    Ms. Rea received a Juris Doctor degree from Wayne State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy from the University of Michigan.


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